No Mountains in Merseyside

Obviously Wiki fully shut shit down at his Liverpool show last Friday. STANDARD. After his merch got cleaned out and the smoke had cleared he grabbed what was left of his bottle of JD, bounced down Slater St and swung by the spot with his DJ / Producer, the ever humble, insanely talented Mack, and his manager, frequent video director and all round dope head Matt Lubansky.
We kicked it 'til the small hours, shooting the shit about NYC skate spots, classic vids, Hip Hop, mutual friends and complimentary Grand National Merseyrail Flip Flops. Pretty mind-blowing session with a boss crew, completely on our shit. Needless to say we'll be hooking up with them again soon so keep your eyes peeled.
In the meantime check this ace video, shot by Matt and put together by Adam Zhu. Featuring music from Wik, Sporting Life, Dev Hynes, Onyx Collective and Show Me The Body. Reminiscent in style to the early Stereo videos, Deluxe's Ride On/ Real's Non-Fiction, it contains footage of Shawn Powers and Genesis Evans ripping around the streets of NYC. It's dope so check that out below now...

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